An assortment of things on the world wide web. WIP- I’ll update whenever.
Sozai/Web Material/Graphics

- Amelie Doree: passionate and well-written video essays about older Japanese eroge VN’s
- Nitro Rad: videogame reviews, a lot of platformers and old horror games
- Dungeon Chill: deep dive content into retro(ish) video games
- Colleen's Manga Recs: popular (?) shoujosei manga youtuber
- Mangatama: relaxing youtube videos centered on manga collecting
- Temmie Chang: posts a lot of animations. Artist for Undertale/Deltarune,, has also made a few games herself
- Tem Archives: archived streams of Temmie Chang
- Tamakuz: psychocuties webseries
- i dream soft dreams: interesting web series
- fish in sea: ambient music
- GAKHED: ambient music w/ cats and VHS
Useful Sites
- HTML Cheat Sheet
- Photopea: basically photoshop but for free
- online gif maker
- Academic Phrasebank
- Descriptionary: writing guides for describing things
- ZoteroBib: better than easybib
Random Stuff (guides, cool things, etc.)
- Web Design Museum: old websites, mobile apps and software from 1990s to mid-00s
- old site with guide to San-x characters
- vgperson's Stuff: free translations to a bunch of rpg maker games
- list of 150+ rpg maker (and adjacent) games
- archived official silent hill websites
- Smithsonian Open Acess
- Rainymood
- Radio Garden: listen to radio stations around the world
- reference guide for greek mythology
- type entire novels online
- make music while typing
- Project Gutenberg: free ebooks (mostly classics)
- Poetry in Translation: open access poetry archive (mostly classics)
- Alibris: purchase EN physicals of manga (and books) at a cheaper price
- --> Pros: cheap prices, weekly coupons
- --> Cons: free shipping is US only, shipping protection is just ok, no preorders